7 Reasons to Buy Canadian-Made

map-canada-with-flag-made-canada-sale-tag-white-background-3d-renderingDid you know that 45% of consumers will go out of their way to buy Canadian-made products?  Why would someone want to go out of their way just to buy a Canadian made product you ask?  Well, we’ve compiled this list of some really good reasons!

  1. Creating and giving jobs back to Canadians, thus keeping our dollars at home.  Independent Canadian businesses provide 77% of all private jobs in Canada.[1]
  2. Quality control.  Canadian manufacturers are highly regarded for their strict quality control standards. “Made in Canada” has earned its reputation of being high quality and durable.  
  3. Direct communication.  The barriers that once existed between Canadian manufacturer and consumer are diminishing and never before has it been easier to directly communicate with the manufacturer to have any questions or requests answered. 
  4. Products from Canada produce less carbon footprint for you to receive the goods, which is a tremendous aide to the environment. For example, a product made in Canada requires 25 times less transportation than a similar product made overseas. 2
  5. No duty or brokerage fees are needed to bring the product into the country, which would otherwise need to be added to the cost of the product and therefore potentially making the product more expensive than its Canadian-made equivalent. 
  6. Health and safety are carefully regulated in Canada, as opposed to overseas plants.  We can feel good about buying products made in Canada!
  7. Supports our communities.  When we buy Canadian we are contributing to the enrichment of our communities and could be contributing to the survival of a struggling local family business. 

Ready to start buying more Canadian-made products?  Be sure to look for products from these Canadian manufacturers when browsing our catalogue or shopping online!

Gemex Davis Group
TOPS Office Products Avery
Continental Filing Systems Hilroy
Empack 3M
Global Furniture Roylco


[1] http://canadianentrepreneurtraining.com/six-statistics-about-small-business-and-entrepreneurship-in-canada/

2 https://buycanadianfirst.ca/why-buy-canadian-first

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