Ways to Save Printer Ink

Ways to Save Printer Ink

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At the office, waste cutting equals cost cutting. By reducing the amount of supplies you use or how you use them, you can help the bottom line and feel better about your ecological footprint.

But, where should you start? There are lots of ways to make your workplace into a green office but today, let’s talk about an everyday essential: printer ink. Every office uses it but few use it efficiently.

To get started, try these five ways to save printer ink!

  • Change your font. Last year, a teen discovered that the US government could save over $400,000,000 just by changing the font on their documents! The most efficient fonts? Century Gothic, Ecofont and Times New Roman.
  • Change your settings. Most printers have a draft or Economode option in the presets. Switch it on to save ink each and every time you print.
  • Mind your pages. It’s a simple step that takes mere seconds: select only the pages you require. Often, the last page of a document includes banners or fine print that you’ll end up tossing in the trash. Be mindful before you hit Ctrl + P.
  • Simple errors lead to re-printing. Spell-check your document and, if possible, ask for a peer edit before printing.
  • Your spelling and grammar line up. Now, does your format? Hit the preview button before you print to be sure your layout in aligned.

Happy printing!

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