How to prevent slip and fall accidents – Office Plus Blog

How to prevent slip and fall accidents

As the old saying goes ‘April showers bring May flowers’…and it also brings wet, sloppy floors that can cause tremendous risk for slips and falls that cause serious injury.  You may not even realize there are also many other hazards around the office that can be serious risks for a slip or fall.  To keep those walking around in your facility safe, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety recommends the following in preventing slip and fall accidents:

  • Cleaning all spills immediately
  • Marking spills and wet areas
  • Mopping or sweeping debris from floors
  • Removing obstacles from walkways and always keeping walkways free of clutter
  • Securing (tacking, taping, etc) mats, rugs and carpets that do not lay flat
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  • Always closing file cabinet or storage drawers
  • Covering cables that cross walkways
  • Keeping working areas and walkways well lit
  • Replacing burnt out light bulbs and faulty switches

If your facility doesn’t already perform regular health & safety checks, we suggest you implement a regular walk-around where the above hazards can be identified before an accident occurs. 

We carry the products you need in preventing accidents in the workplace.  Please reach out to us for help with any product recommendations!

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