Most Common Germ Spreading Culprits in the Workplace

Most Common Germ Spreading Culprits in the Workplace

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Most common germ spreading culprits in the workplace

One study found that coworkers spread viruses to 50% of workplace surfaces within 4 hours of arriving at work due to shared contact with those surfaces.  Help reduce the risk of illness by being aware of the more common surfaces in the workplace where germs are spread:

  1. Desk.  This is one of the least hygienic areas in the workplace.  The average desk has 400 times more bacteria than a toilet seat! 
  2. Hands.  It is common courtesy when in a business environment to greet or say good-bye to someone with a handshake. During peak virus seasons, it is becoming perfectly acceptable to decline a handshake with an explanation that you’re concerned about spreading germs.  In fact, many will admire you for your thoughtfulness!  A wave and a nice smile can be just as welcoming. 
  3. Door Handles. This one is an obvious one, but did you also know that 1 in 4 office workers don’t wash their hands after using the washroom! Yikes!  Use your elbow to open doors, or paper towel when leaving a washroom.  
  4. Keyboards & Mice.  Sharing desk equipment greatly increases the spread of germs.  Reduce the risk by ensuring each person has their own set of regularly used, high-touch desk equipment.
  5. Phones.  These are the most contaminated surfaces in the workplace.  Ensure these are cleaned on a regularly basis to help reduce the risk of picking up any harmful germs.  
  6. Vending Machines.  You could be grabbing a whole lot more with that 3 o’clock snack craving from the vending machine!  And it’s not just the buttons you need to be concerned with, the door where you reach in to grab your goodies is also a major culprit. 
  7. Drinking Fountains.  Sure, we’ve been taught since we were children to not put our mouths on the drinking fountain, but even without making any contact you could be ingesting more than just water in your drinking glass.    
  8. Printers and Fax Machines.  With the average photocopier being touched up to 300 times each day, you’ll want to ensure these machines are being disinfected daily, or even better, keep a bottle of disinfecting wipes nearby the machines so people can clean after each use. 
  9. Elevator Buttons.  Hopefully you get lucky and jump on an elevator with someone already going to your same floor.  Otherwise, there’s not much you can do to avoid having to touch the buttons.  You could attempt to use your elbow, or better yet, take the stairs for an overall more healthy solution. 
  10. Railings.  Railings are in place to help keep people safe, but often the thought of grabbing on to one can seem scary!  Sometimes you just can’t avoid having to hold the railing, so just be sure to wash your hands as soon as you can after. 
  11. Refrigerator.  It’s not just the refrigerator handle you need to ensure is cleaned regularly.  Keep an eye as to what’s inside the refrigerator for any built-up bacteria or mould that could cross-contaminate and cause illness.

We can all do our part to ensuring our workplaces stay safe and healthy.  Knowing what areas to be mindful of is the first step to reducing the spread of germs to others.  Have a look around your office and see if you can identify any other areas that could be potential areas for concern!

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