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Ergonomic Benefits of Wireless Headsets | Office Plus Blog

Written by Admin | Jan 8, 2019 5:00:00 AM

Ergonomic Benefits of Wireless Headsets

3 Votes

From office chairs to telephone headsets, ergonomics is prevalent. Nevertheless, you might be wondering how wireless headsets can bring users a variety of benefits that improve workplace wellness. So what are the main perks of using a wireless headset?


Using a wireless headset as part of your daily work routine will help improve your posture by freeing you to move and sit more naturally. It eliminates the need to hold the telephone in an uncomfortable position and provides the freedom to roam which results in 35% less muscle tension than handset users.


Neck and upper back muscle tension are one of the most common ailments of office workers. Results from a commissioned study conducted at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center in San Jose, CA, provide strong evidence that office workers can reduce neck, shoulder and upper back muscle tension as much as 41% by using a headset. That is a significant improvement for just wearing a headset! 



An additional study by H.B. Maynard & Co., Inc. concluded that adding hands-free headsets to office telephones improved productivity and efficiency by up to 43 percent. By making your workstation more comfortable and freeing up your hands for other tasks, you’ll find that you can get more work done each day.

A wireless headset will also enable you to remain productive from home or out of the office.


With the proper microphone placement (1-2 finger widths from the corner of your mouth) wireless headsets have reinvented sound and speech perception. A lot of headsets now have noise-cancelling options that detect and analyze the pattern of incoming sound which generates an “anti-noise” mirror signal to cancel it out for clear conversations. As a result, headsets give users a better sound experience that is personalized to their individual needs and reciprocated on the other end. 


It’s impressive to see the difference a headset can make for the end users. A Swedish field study analyzed a hundred people and showed that for 26% of respondents, neck and back pains “totally disappeared” and for 52% of respondents, inconvenience “diminished significantly” after they started using a headset. It is clear that headsets reduce the chances of work-related physical disorders which also results in reduced workers’ compensation cost! 


This new evidence confirms that headsets are a cost-effective, preventative solution for the whole company! 


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